Singer Information

Help with the music

Although this is a non-audition choir, it is essential that everyone accepts responsibility for learning their music. You will find ‘between rehearsal’ support in the form of links to music practice aids and performances on the Learning Aids page. Please take advantage of these.

Dates for your diary

Rehearsals are normally 7–9pm on Wednesday evenings, with a short tea or coffee break at around 8pm.

Wednesday 11 September First rehearsal of term 7pm St. Clement’s
Wednesday 16 October Later start 7.30pm St. Clement’s
Wednesday 23 October No rehearsal (half term)
Wednesday 27 November Later start 7.30pm St. Clement’s
Wednesday 4 December Different venue 7pm St. Saviour’s
Saturday 7 December Christmas Concert St. Saviour’s
Rehearsal 2pm
Concert 7.30pm
Wednesday 8 January First rehearsal of term 7pm St. Clement’s
Wednesday 19 February No rehearsal (half term)
Saturday 5 April Spring Concert 7.30pm St. Clement’s


Fees are £48 per term. Please make your payment by bank transfer to our Lloyds Bank account:

  • Account Name: Britannia Choral Society
  • Sort Code: 30-98-69
  • Account Number: 00188081

Please include the reference ‘Fee’, followed by your name or initials.

Concert dress

Ladies – Black long sleeved dress or black long-sleeved top with long skirt or smart black trousers. No big jewellery.
Men – Black dinner jacket (or black suit), white shirt with normal collar, black bow tie, black shoes.

You will need a plain black folder for your music.